Yoga @ Night
Athens Limestone Public Library 603 S Jefferson St, Athens, AL, United StatesFree yoga class for all levels! New attendees will need to sign a waiver.
Free yoga class for all levels! New attendees will need to sign a waiver.
Drop-in for genealogy questions and information! Drop-in sessions will be held in the Technology Center; No registration required.
A recovery support group that offers respect, understanding, encouragement, and hope. Every Thursday at 4pm! For more information contact: Neal Vickers, CPS (256) 200-9559 or email
With hardbacks and DVDs for $1.00 and paperbacks for 50¢, you can live the good life for cheap! Our sales are run by the Friends of the Library every Tuesday, 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM, and the first Saturday of each month, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM. We also have a smaller collection of books […]
Have a question about your garden? Every week, the Limestone County Master Gardeners offer a specialized reference service for gardeners and planet-lovers. Whether you've got a green thumb or a black one, come by with your questions every Tuesday and the first Saturday of the month, from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. For more information […]
Tinctures and Medicinal Plants presented by BluButterfly Botanicals with Rachael Bailes. Free and Open to the public. Join us in our Community Room!
Join us for a special program presented by Brian "Fox" Ellis in conjunction with the Festival of the Cranes. Spend an hour in the studio of one of America’s greatest naturalists and wildlife artist. Listen to tales of his adventures as he finishes something no one had every accomplished before: drawing every bird in North […]
Free yoga class for all levels! New attendees will need to sign a waiver.
A recovery support group that offers respect, understanding, encouragement, and hope. Every Thursday at 4pm! For more information contact: Neal Vickers, CPS (256) 200-9559 or email
Come craft with us! Open to any skill level or craft, if you are a beginner we can get you started! Must bring your own supplies.